How to repair a tile or a gutter

One of the main causes of leaks and dampness is the seepage of water through the roofs of buildings.
We propose a solution to remedy it, with the right product!
In Quilosa Selena Iberia we have launched a range to waterproof any part of a roof or terrace.
Aqua Protect encompasses liquid solutions to waterproof or repair in the worst weather conditions. Thanks to our research and development center in our factory in Quer, this product is a 100% solid polymer that can be used on wet surfaces, even when it is raining.
Do you need to repair a gutter or a downpipe? Do you need to repair a tile?
Our Aqua Protect Repairer is a material for this type of repairs, which fills cracks or holes even if it is raining, for an express repair and forever.
The surface must be firm and free of dust, mud, oil, grease, etc.
• Metals: remove corroded parts and any other Paint mechanically.
• Concrete: apply directly.
The application is simple, only with a brush or roller apply a coat of the Aquaprotect Repairer and thanks to the viscosity of the product, you’ll get an express and immediate repair.

Know our range of waterproofing Aqua Protect.