
Repair and waterproofing of terraces with walkable silicone




Proyecto ejecutado: Reparación de terraza de vivienda muy deteriorado en condiciones difíciles

Empresa constructora: Madsate S.L.U.

Responsable del proyecto: Juan Carlos Madrigal y Carlos Madrigal

Trabajo realizado: Reimpermeabilización y reparación de la terraza de una vivienda en alto estado de deterioro. La superficie de la terraza cubre la entrada a una cueva natural que se extiende alrededor de la casa, poniendo en peligro la estructura en caso de acumulación de agua. La superficie se lava con agua a presión y se trata con fungicida para eliminar cualquier raíz de verdín existente. Posteriormente, se aplican dos capas de P4 TRANSITABLE con 24 horas de diferencia entre ellas.

Upon arrival at the house, Juan Carlos Madrigal and Carlos Madrigal (from Madsate SLU) were faced with a challenge: the surface to be repaired had regular pedestrian traffic and covered a natural reservoir that ran the risk of damaging the structure by being filled with water due to poor waterproofing.

Despite their extensive experience as waterproofing and insulation professionals in Albacete, the father-son duo stopped to think about what system they could use that would guarantee a completely walkable waterproofing, strong enough not to leak water and resistant enough so that the surface will not need continual repairs. After searching the available options, this family of professionals discovered that the only product offering what they needed in the Spanish market was P4 WALKABLE.

“After giving it much thought, we saw that the best option would be to pressure-wash the surface, then apply fungicide to kill any possible moss roots and then apply 2 coats of MS Silicone, the second coat being applied 24 hours after the first coat“. Carlos Madrigal, Madsate S.L.U.


By using the P4 WALKABLE MS Silicone (the only system on the Spanish market with ETAG 005 P4 and W3 certification) they ensured that the terrace could continue to be used by residents on a regular basis, without posing a risk to the structure of the building or a high cost in constant repairs.


In addition, cleaning the terrace will not entail any extra effort for the residents despite having been waterproofed with silicone: the “Anti-Tack” formula of P4 Walkable ensures that dirt will not accumulate on the surface and can be cleaned with the same ease as any other terrace.

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