
Achieve maximum durability in your outdoor platform

The use of adhesive with D4 classification in the installation of the ourtdoor flooring is vital to achieve real durability of the wood outdoors.

Not using this type of adhesives in the glue of the battens will mean a safe restoration of the pallet in the short term. These are the main advantaegs of the adhesive:
• Pallet joints don ’t expire when stepped on.
• The footsteps don’t sound or creak because the adhesive dampens the junction of the track and the floor.
• The cracking of the platform is minimized without cracking the ends and joints.
• Dilation or contraction movements are reduced preventing staples and screws from loosening.
• With the adhesives the water doesn’t enter, neither the cold nor the wood loses its natural moisture at the ends and joints.

What are the characteristics that must meet the adhesives on the outer floor?

It is essential, in order to be able to resist in the open that they have the D4 certification “water resistance with DIN EN 204 D4”. The exterior decking adhesives must withstand extreme temperatures as well as water and ice, this certificate guarantees it.


The product we recommend for this is  Fix PU Xtrem.

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