Benefits of ventilated facades for a building’s energy efficiency

We cannot conceive a sustainable building that doesn’t have adequate thermal insulation. Choosing the best option is a simple and efficient way to fight climate change. Having good thermal insulation improves the building’s thermal balance and contributes decisively to the thermal comfort of the occupants, which means a considerable reduction in the use of heating and air conditioning, therefore helping to achieve the building’s energy efficiency.

But where is it really important to have good thermal insulation? Especially in areas that, due to their position, are in direct contact with the cold and heat from outside. That is, facades and roofs. Proper insulation of these elements can reduce the energy consumption of a block of flats by 60%. A favourable percentage for both the environment and your wallet when it comes to dealing with the electricity and gas bills.

What are ventilated facades?

One of the best thermal insulation systems for facades is ventilated facades. It is a structure that functions as a second skin for the building and is characterised by the existence of a ventilated air chamber located inside.

This chamber allows air to circulate upwards, as if it were a chimney. When heated by solar radiation that falls directly on the ventilated facade, a continuous stream of air is created that allows heat to dissipate.

This construction method has been consolidated with great acceptance among architects and developers, above all because of its high quality, the aesthetic possibilities it offers and its indisputable advantages in thermal and acoustic insulation. In addition, the latest construction advances in terms of fixing the outer sheet of this system in many cases allow the use of hidden fixings using chemical adhesives, doing even more if possible, for the protection of the aesthetic aspect of the building designed in the project.

Infografia QUILOSA-Fachada Ventilada

What benefits do ventilated facades bring to the energy efficiency of the building?

One of the main advantages of a ventilated facade is that the insulation is continuous, that is to say, heat or cold does not filter through at any point, which prevents thermal bridges from forming. In addition, it protects the facade against climatic elements such as rain, pollution or wind. Something that also defends the construction of thermal shocks. By working as a second skin of the building, it prevents any material from breaking due to sudden changes in temperature.

Provided that adequate ventilation conditions are in place, condensation and moisture problems are eliminated. It also protects against noise. This type of facade makes it possible to diminish the sound wave and guarantee acoustic insulation. In addition, the use of fixings of the outer panel to the profile avoids the typical noises that could be caused if it were installed with the usual mechanical fixings.

As it is a system that is placed outside the building, its installation does not require work inside the building and therefore does not reduce the useful space inside.

Ensuring the thermal insulation of the facade is the first step to achieving sustainable construction, and ventilated facades can be the best ally to achieve this.

Sources: Sustainable architecture

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