Achieve thermal and acoustic insulation at all levels

Let’s imagine that we are in the middle of winter. Outside in the street, a strong wind is blowing accompanied by torrential rain and it is so cold that, at any moment, it just might start to snow.

Meanwhile, a family arrives home, a home equipped with windows and doors of exceptional quality that don’t let winter reach the indoors or the warm indoor temperature to be lost.

But what a surprise! When they go inside they find that it is terribly cold, that the damp has taken control over the rooms and all the noises of the blizzard can be heard inside their house. How can that be possible? The explanation is very simple:  due to a poor installation of the windows, doors or roof.

When constructing a building, it is important to use efficient materials to achieve good thermal and acoustic insulation especially in walls, roofs and windows. That is the only way to avoid energy loss and to maintain the desired temperature indoors. A guarantee that will take care of both the environment and the occupants, their comfort and their wallets.

IDAE, the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving, estimates that more than half of homes in Spain do not have any thermal insulation. A correct thermal insulation in windows can help save a of up to 25% on your energy bill, which is no small amount.

Quilosa’s professional PRO ENERGY controlled expansion polyurethane foam has been especially developed for the installation of windows and doors. Among its advantages, energy saving stands out: it eliminates thermal bridges efficiently and permanently, reducing energy loss by up to 60%. In addition, it also guarantees the building’s acoustic insulation.

Guarantee indoor thermal and acoustic insulation with proper installation

In order to achieve effective thermal and acoustic insulation indoors, we take into account the whole installation process: surface preparation, product preparation and application.

Achieve effective thermal and acoustic insulation: surface preparation

There is no type of surface that it can’t be applied to. The foam adheres to brick, concrete, plaster, wood, metals, polystyrene foam, hard PVC, and rigid polyurethane tubing.

But whatever the material, the first thing to do is ensure the work surface is clean and free from grease. During this first step it is also important to protect the rest of the materials so that they are not damaged by the foam. For example, it doesn’t hurt to cover the floor in case some foam falls on it during installation.

Product preparation

First of all, don’t forget to  wear protective gloves. Once we have ensured the safety of our hands, shake the tube vigorously (with the valve upside down) to mix the components thoroughly then screw the tube onto the applicator.

Product application

The working position of the tube is “valve facing downwards”. Vertical gaps must be filled from the bottom upwards. It is important to take into account that the gap should not be completely filled as the foam will increase in volume.

If the application is interrupted for more than five minutes, the user will have to clean the applicator nozzle containing fresh foam with a polyurethane foam cleaner and shake the tube before use.

Immediately after the foam is completely hardened, it must be protected against UV exposure using, for example, plaster or paint.

Achieving correct thermal and acoustic insulation in construction is not an easy task

You must ensure that both the materials and the products used are the best for achieving our purpose. In addition to ensuring that at each stage of the installation process action is being taken to achieve the best results on all levels.

This will be achieved by following these steps. The thermal and acoustic insulation of the materials that we have installed will be effective and will avoid both energy losses and noise from the outside.

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