Terrace has droppers…Repair it!

Summer arrives and the terrace has droppers!! is it possible to repair it to be ready in time?
Terraces or passable roofs can lead to moisture problems. To waterproof the terrace there are several methods but they all follow the same process.
From Quilosa, we want to show you an easy and simple way to fix your own terrace with guarantee and leave ii ready for parties and other uses that you will have this summer.
The terraces made with tiles over time tend to wear out, the mortar between the tiles ceases to do their job correctly and that’s when the problems of water leaks to the lower floor begin.
If this problem is familiar to you, the time has come to waterproof the terrace, not only to give a new face, but also to make it more resistance to moisture.
Before doing anything, the most important thing is to prepare the surface of the floor or terrace by performing a good cleaning and then start waterproofing.
The surface must be clean of fats, molds, “green” and/or any loose material; we’ll eliminate all traces of moss, weeds and dirt accumulated in the joints. It would be helpful if we can treat the roots with some product to avoid its appearance again.
90% of the failures in the waterproofing of a terrace are due to those known as singular points. That is, sinks, drains, meetings between walls and floors, expansion joints, vertical walls, perimeter margins, etc. so that these point don’t escape us, it’s important to count them and indicate them in an appropriate way. Their treatment will depend on the state in which they are but generally, the ideal is to reinforce these points well with geotextile and double layer of AQUAPROTECT.
Finally, we’ll also take into account the slope of the roof itself and its recirculation of the water to the different sinks.
When it comes to waterproofing the terrace we need:
1. Aquaprotect passable p4
It’s an elastic coating, based on MS Technology. This means that we can use it when our surface has some moisture and that we can also paint it. It’s ready to use and cures at room temperature in contact with air humidity.
Ideal for waterproofing and repairing roofs, terraces and passable roofs. This product is simple to use, as it’s applied by brush or roller. Two layers of product should applied, waiting between one and the other, between 12-24h until the product is completely dry.
Remember to make reinforcements in the singular points to avoid future problems!
2. Tools
Brush or roller. Wear gloves and, in case of stains, wash with an industrial detergent when the product is still fresh.
3. Maintenance and cleaning
Clean with pressurized water, hose or similar.
Avoid cleaning products, as it can damage the product.